June 11, 2022 – V1-Hydro Quebec Studio, Montreal, Quebec
The Awkward Ballerina is a true story about growing up with cerebral palsy, wanting to be a ballet dancer and having to reimagine that dream. It explores Kristin Govers challenges and triumphs as a child and young adolescent.
Govers musters up some serious bravado and digs deep in past trauma to bring a collection of true stories from her life, about the difficulties of growing up with a disability; in her case Cerebral Palsy, and the harsh bullying that comes with it. Venturing through several years of her life by telling deeply personal stories that will strike a note on the heart strings of anyone that dares sit and listen to what Govers has to say.
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You see, Govers is a women on a mission – to raise awareness to the harsh realities and struggles that people with disabilities go through on a daily basis, and to show just how deeply harmful and painful bullying is. Her message is as powerful as any that you’ll hear at this years St-Ambroise Fringe festival. There will moments of comedy and others of horror as Govers revels her inner most tales. Deeply personal and at times unsettling, Govers is a talented new voice and her words are said with intent. To shed light on social ills. For change. To leave the world a better place than she found it.
At about seventy-minutes in length, The Awkward Ballerina will journey to dark places yet Govers has an incredible way of bringing light to even the darkest corners of her existence to date. Inspirational and moving, incredibly well-written and always interesting. Govers control of the stage and the power and sincerity with which she delivers her message is truly something to witness. Surely, most of us as a species dream of making life easier and better for everyone – that starts by just listening. Just by showing up, lending an ear and listening to what The Awkward Ballerina has to say.
There are five remaining perfomances of The Awkward Ballerina on her run at this year’s Fringe festival, and a few tickets still remain as of time of press. To purchase tickets, simply visit the Fringe festival website.
Remaining dates:
- June 12th @ 14:30
- June 15th @ 20:45
- June 16th @ 17:00
- June 18th @ 22:15
- June 19th @ 16:45